Welcome to Calendar Lady Promotions, we specialise in corporate and promotional calendars of all shapes and sizes. We've been in the promotional game for over 15 years and we can certainly help you get your name out and about!
Hand out your very own little silent salesman to get your Company Brand-name out and about. We do practically every kind of Desktop Calendar available including calendar pods and easels, even calendars with post-it labels on them.
Definitely a big winner. "Nude Calendars" is one of the most popular calendar keywords searched for on the internet and we've even shipped calendars to our boys in Afghanistan on request.
Nothing like a bit of humour on a funny calendar to lighten up the workplace. Add a lift to the environment and have your Company Branding seen whilst you're at it. It's a brilliant year-long advertising strategy.
The Himalayas perhaps? We have some fantastic scenic calendars for the ideal calming and soothing effect in any workplace. Personalise these with your logo and it's a 365 day advertising to bring visual retention to your company.
Our Wildlife Calendars are simply stunning, fantastic colours and quality . Birds, Penguins, Horses - or perhaps a World Wildlife Calendar to suit your customer's taste?
We have some great Theme Calendars like Game of Thrones, Take-That, Angry Birds, and much much more. These can be excellent advertising for specific clients as they can be tailored and more personailsed..